Tag: business surveys

  • How to get survey data that represents the population of African countries

    How to get survey data that represents the population of African countries

    There are many ways to collect data about the African continent and its many countries. This blog post will focus on getting survey data representing African countries’ populations. While there are many different methods for collecting data, surveys are one of the most common and useful research tools. When conducted properly, surveys can provide a…

  • How to win in Africa despite the global inflation

    How to win in Africa despite the global inflation

    In recent memory, Africa has been facing one of the most challenging economic environments: a slow recovery from the pandemic, rising food and energy prices, and high public debt levels. One of the most pressing issues confronting the region is the need to combat decade-long high inflation, which is wreaking havoc on income and food…

  • Top 5 things you need to know about market research in Africa

    Top 5 things you need to know about market research in Africa

    In recent years, Africa has received much attention in terms of investment. This is due to the abundance of resources that can be converted into lucrative sources of income. Furthermore, the African consumer market has a diverse untapped potential. The needs and demands of the population in Africa can be turned into profitable investments with…

  • How to succeed in Africa with customer insight

    How to succeed in Africa with customer insight

    Some major businesses that lost a significant portion of their market share suffered a common setback: they remained static while their customers moved on. Companies must identify their customer segment and establish actionable customer insight in a constantly changing world where technology shapes most businesses. Customer insight is the core human truth or emotion that…

  • What is brand health, and how to measure it?

    What is brand health, and how to measure it?

    I’m sure you agree that a strong brand is critical to the success of a business. It increases sales, attracts talent, and provides free publicity. So, how is your brand doing? Is anyone aware of it? What do they think about it? What is your brand known for? How does it compare to competitors? How…

  • Customer segmentation vs market segmentation

    Customer segmentation vs market segmentation

    When it comes to creating consumer segmentation, there are two options: customer segmentation and market segmentation. Both serve distinct functions. So, if the idea of segmentation appeals to you, the first question you must answer is: what is your goal? Customer and target market segmentation is a hot topic for marketers today. In this article,…

  • Best African countries for entrepreneurs in 2023: Top 10 rankings

    Best African countries for entrepreneurs in 2023: Top 10 rankings

    As we approach the end of the year 2022 and the start of the New Year 2023, it is not too early for entrepreneurs to start thinking about the best markets for them. While some may want to wait until next year to plan their next venture(s), you can be steps ahead by identifying the…

  • Best countries to invest in Africa

    Best countries to invest in Africa

    The African continent is rich in human and natural resources and has great potential for economic growth. There are many reasons to invest in Africa. The continent is home to a rapidly growing population and an expanding middle class. Additionally, there is a wealth of natural resources and a growing number of countries are adopting…

  • Market segmentation: The best way to win the African market

    Market segmentation: The best way to win the African market

    Global business leaders and investors are becoming increasingly interested in Africa’s vast potential. Those who recognize the diversity of the African market and the value of insights in ensuring the success of their ventures in such an ecosystem have not been afraid to invest in market segmentation exercises. It’s turned into their cheat code. With…

  • What are Survey screening questions?

    What are Survey screening questions?

    You don’t want just anyone to respond when sending out a survey. Depending on the topic, you may want to solicit feedback from a small group of people. So, how do you pre-qualify respondents for surveys? Typically, researchers will include survey screening questions (or screeners) in their survey. Screeners will either qualify or disqualify respondents…